Wednesday, April 08, 2009


blog is back up. Lots of images missing. Still recovering from the crash.

website is back up.

Will start meaningful posting soon.

Saturday, December 15, 2007



Takshaa animation students have a blog. Please head over and check out their latest WIPs


Apple - Trailers - Horton Hears a Who - HD

Awesome! I love love the design and the animation treatment. Freshest thing I have seen in a long long time. Have really high hopes for this.

Apple - Trailers - Horton Hears a Who - HD

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Funny Cute

Funny Cute

information overload. Great blog here too.

all kinds of stuff

all kinds of stuff

My new most favourite place in the world. Imagine what a treat it is to find so much matter all in one place. It like being in a class, having many hot cups of coffee at a cafe and a detailed telphatic session with one of the greatest cartoonists of all time - John K.

I know what i am doing this weekend. Do you?